About The ASP
Le département agro-pastoral de notre communauté (CMCI) représente l'un des maillons essentiels pour le développement de notre oeuvre.
De ce fait il est nécessaire et important que toutes les personnes de bonne volonté de notre communauté qui croient à cette prophétie que Dieu a donnée à notre bien-aimé frère Zach apportent leurs contributions aussi multiformes soient-elles pour la réalisation de ce projet. Le Seigneur a alloué au département agro-pastoral de notre oeuvre 6000 hectares de terrain pour les differents projets agro-pastoraux. C'est une tâche immense et ardue qui nécessite le soutien de tous à plusieurs dimensions :
- soutien spirituel (prière et jeûne)
- soutien financier
- soutien logistique
- ressources humaines.
House Churches
Notre département, au vu de tous ces besoins, est arrivé à une conclusion, à savoir démarrer par des projets à court terme et générateurs de revenus pour le soutien de l'oeuvre, du département et la réalisation d'autres projets. Jusqu'ici quelques projets ont été suggérés à notre département entre autres :
- la culture du maïs
- la culture du manioc
- la culture du palmier à huile
- la culture des ananas
- Petit élevage (volaille)
Aprés une étude minitieuse de ceux-ci, nous avons opté pour la réalisation de 100 hectares de culture d'ananas.
TheIntegrated Centre for Agro-Pastoral Training and Production (CIFAP)
is a professional training center initiated by the Agro-Pastoral department (APD) of the Christian Missionary Fellowship International (CMFI).
We offer practical training courses in
We offer practical training courses in
CIFAP seeks to provide solutions to environmental, demographic, hunger, unemployment problems, etc, which our society is increasingly facing.
Our goal is to build men and women of good morals, united, dynamic, honest, and devoted to work, to serve in the nation and beyond our borders in agropastoral courses.
- Plantronics with its GN Netcom wireless headset creates the next generation of wireless headset and other products such as wireless amplifiers.
- You can get a wireless headset that is completely without wires or one that requires a belt pack aside the belt.
- You can get a wireless headset that is completely without wires or one.
Bring the right people together to challenge established thinking and Drive Transformation.
You can get a wireless headset that is completely without wires or one that requires a belt pack.
- Plantronics with its GN Netcom wireless headset creates the next generation of wireless headset and other products such as wireless amplifiers.
- You can get a wireless headset that is completely without wires or one that requires a belt pack aside the belt.
- You can get a wireless headset that is completely without wires or one.
Bring the right people together to challenge established thinking and Drive Transformation.
You can get a wireless headset that is completely without wires or one that requires a belt pack.
- Plantronics with its GN Netcom wireless headset creates the next generation of wireless headset and other products such as wireless amplifiers.
- You can get a wireless headset that is completely without wires or one that requires a belt pack aside the belt.
- You can get a wireless headset that is completely without wires or one.
The Integrated Centre for Agro-Pastoral Training and Production (CIFAP),
seeks to provide solutions to environmental, demographic, hunger, unemployment problems, etc, which our society is increasingly facing.