PPFC 2023!!

A redefining turning point for CMFI!

Welcome to
Christian Missionary Fellowship International
( C M F I )

A movement of people who walk with God and serve the Lord from the overflow of their personal relationship with God.

God's Saving Grace
In May 1975, God laid a burden on our hearts to take the message of God’s saving love to the people of Yaounde and Cameroon.
Obedience to the Lord
We obeyed and began this work and, by God’s grace, made progress in Yaounde and in some towns in Cameroon.
A Rhema Ministry
Later on, through a vision by a Jew and through a vision by some believers gathered to pray in the United States of America, ...

The all-creature
gospel crusade

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.

Absolute Surrender
A movement of people who are committed to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and live in total obedience to Him in everything.
Spirit-filled Service
A movement of people who seek to be filled with the Holy Spirit on a daily basis.
Overflowing Service
A movement of people who walk with God and serve the Lord from the overflow of their personal relationship with God.


Everyone and everything in the work is to be Christlike
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A missionary raising, training, and sending ministry. Everyone is either a staying or going missionary


Members are to have a cloudless walk with the Lord and to live in deep communion with Him and with one another.
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It is to be a work spanning beyond the borders of Cameroon to the ends of the earth.

A Situation Report

We invite you to team up with us so that we hand over the Planet Earth to its rightful Owner—the Lord Jesus Christ



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The 9 distinctive features of our vision

The goal of bringing one bilion disciples to the Lord Jesus, who render total obedience to Hm in all things, by the year 2065 in the 250 nations on the 6 continents of planet Earth

Continuous intimacy with God
and know heart fusion with God always
Total obedience to the Jesus
in all things and at all times
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