SINCE 1975 Taking God's saving love to 250 nations by 2065 AD In May 1975, God laid a burden on our hearts to take the message of God’s saving love to the people of Yaounde and Cameroon. We obeyed and began this work and, by God’s grace, made progress in Yaounde and in some towns in Cameroon. More on our history Our brief history CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY FELLOWSHIP INTERNATIONAL We are a community bonded to the Lord Jesus and bonded to one another, reaching out to those who are yet to be bonded to the Lord Jesus Christ We feel compelled to make disciples for the Lord Jesus and help others in their effort to make disciples for the Lord Jesus and, by the grace of God, make a contribution to God’s global purposes in our generation. More on our goal CHRISTIANEveryone and everything in the work is to be Christlike MISSIONARYA missionary raising, training, and sending ministry. Everyone is either a staying or going missionary FELLOWSHIPMembers are to have a cloudless walk with the Lord and to live in deep communion with Him and with one another. INTERNATIONALIt is to be a work spanning beyond the borders of Cameroon to the ends of the earth. First Time on Themeforest A disciple making movement We feel compelled to use any means available to modern man to: proclaim repentance towards God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ to every human being, make a contribution to other brethren in the effort to reach every human being with the gospel. We feel compelled to make disciples for the Lord Jesus and help others in their effort to make disciples for the Lord Jesus and, by the grace of God, make a contribution to God’s global purposes in our generation. More on our mission