Models• • •Missionaries• • •Men• • •Ministries• • •Miracles• • •Message• • •Materials• • •Means• • •Methods• • •Missions• • •Movements• • • Since May 12, 1975 Our Ministry Through him and for his name's sake, we received grace and apostleship to call people from among all the Gentiles to the obedience that comes from faith. Romans 1:5-6 What is our Ministry? It is everything that God has given, is giving and will give to us to do the Work. It is all that we have acquired to fullfill our Mission, pursue our vision, and accomplish our goal. What is the Work? Proclaim the gospel, make disciples, establish house churches, disciple men, all that God has given to us to do that is our ministry Our Goal Our Vision Our Mission Our Founder OUR MINISTRY: A Spiritual Movement Christian Missionary Fellowship International is a spiritual movement. A spiritual movement is a movement that God brings into existence by the Holy Spirit with a specific purpose: A purpose which is maintained as long as the Holy Spirit rules it and coordinates it in total liberty. Our Ministry is not static As God gives us more things with which to do the work, as we face different levels of the work, and God provides what we need, or we cry out to God and He gives us, all that is given to us becomes part of our ministry. OUR MINISTRY: A Movement Founded on Obedience to God Christian Missionary Fellowship International is a movement of people who are committed to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and live in total obedience to Him in everything. It is a movement of people who walk with God and serve the Lord from the overflow of their personal relationship with God. A movement of people who seek to be filled with the Holy Spirit on a daily basis. OUR MINISTRY: A Soul-WInning Movement Christian Missionary Fellowship International is a movement committed to the winning of souls, the making of disciples and the planting of Churches in each locality and in each nation of the world. It is a movement committed to the raising, training, and sending of missionaries to all nations for the salvation of the people in those nations. OUR MINISTRY: A Global Revival Movement Christian Missionary Fellowship International has been called to bring her contribution to the God-promised world revival through teaching the revived saints: Daily Dynamic Encounters with God, discipleship to Christ and accountability. OUR MINISTRY: A Goal-Directed Movement Having received a God-given goal, she is committed to the pursuit and accomplishment of that goal. Read More on Our Goal OUR MINISTRY: A Ministry by Instruction The desire to get the gospel to those in our generation was the overflow of the knowledge of the atoning death of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross and the power of the gospel to save to the utmost. What the gospel was and out of a deep gratitude for salvation were at the back of this goal. The blood of Jesus is sufficient for the perishing souls of men. Christian Missionary Fellowship International is the overflow of the apostolic ministry of Professor Zacharias Tanee Fomum, the founding Team-Leader of this movement. OUR MINISTRY: A Situation Report In Cameroon, where the Headquarters of Christian Missionary Fellowship International is located, there are over 6000 churches that have been planted. And over 200 national missionaries who have been sent to different localities in Cameroon. Outside Cameroon, Christian Missionary Fellowship International has over 200 international missionaries in more than 100 nations on all the 6 continents.