A 12-fold movement Our mission consists of the recurrent tasks and responsibilities directed toward the accomplishment of our overall vision These are binding requirements for everyone who is part of Christian Missionary Fellowship International OUR MISSION—1 We are a soul-winning movement There will never be a stage where the winning of the souls is not part of our work. This is a recurrent work and applies to every one in Christian Missionary Fellowship International. OUR MISSION—2 We are a church-planting movement This is recurrent and perpetual work for all in the community. There is no period, no phase of the work when church planting will not go on. All we do must end in either planting a new church, building an existing church, or strengthening it. OUR MISSION—3 We are a disciple-making movement We are disciples of Jesus Christ who make disciples for Jesus Christ. That is one of the recurrent and recurring tasks for our ministry and for all in our ministry. OUR MISSION—4 We are a prayer movement There is nothing we do in CMFI that we don't pray for. God has not purposed anything that we can do without prayer. There is nothing that God has called us to do that does not need prayer—the formation of Christ, the work in the nation(s), the work in the departments, every aspect. We are a prayer movement and shall remain one till the end. It is an integral part of the recurring tasks. OUR MISSION—5 We are a fasting movement As long as the enemy is in the way and our enemy, the chief weapon for dealing with the enemy is fasting. And we have about six enemies: The devil, Demons, The world, The things of the world, Self, and The carnal mind.Those are our main enemies. As long as we have to deal with those enemies, we shall fast, especially the enemies among us fighting the purposes of God: the love of the world, the love of the things of the world. And we have a fasting assignment, which is not just handling the enemy. OUR MISSION—6 We are a fasting-intercession movement We pray for cities, nations, for our generation. We seek the well-being of the land where we live, wherever our ministry shall go, we seek the good of that place. It is our first service to the people that God has sent us to, to the land, to the villages, to the cities, to the people God has sent us to. That is the burden of our fasting intercession movement. We are a fasting intercession movement, it will never end. As long as we are here, we are committed to the land where God has sent us to. OUR MISSION—7 We are a revival & holiness movement We want to bring everybody to have a living and personal relationship with Jesus that he enjoys. We are a revival movement, we will always be looking for genuine conversion, the deepening of the spiritual life at all levels, Pentecost for everyone who will serve the Lord, radical consecration for all, and the fullness of the Holy Spirit. We shall always pursue those things. That is where the power of God comes from. We are a revival and holiness movement. That will never change, that is the recurrent and recurring task that will go on because it is indispensable for the accomplishment of our goal. OUR MISSION—8 We are a signs, wonders and miracles movement This is an integral part of the gospel, it will never end. “In my Name, they shall heal the sick, they shall cast out demons”. Wherever the gospel we preach goes, it must be accompanied by signs, wonders, and miracles. Every preacher in our ministry, after preaching the gospel and calling men to repentance, must also make room for the needs of men to be met in the Name of Christ. OUR MISSION—9 We are a thanksgiving, praise & worship movement OUR MISSION—10 We are a missionary movement a national missionary movement and an international missionary movement. We will continue to train and send forth missionaries. OUR MISSION—11 We are a literature movement The production, and distribution of Christian literature will not stop. It is a recurrent task. Totally indispensable for the accomplishment of the vision. OUR MISSION—12 We are a church growth movement Our churches will always grow. We must have mega-churches, we must have supra churches.