Zacharias Tanee Fomum, a renowned University Professor of Organic Chemistry, developed research hypothesis and carried out innovative and new ground breaking scientific research. His scientific work on the synthesis of heterocyclic compounds and the isolation and structural determination of naturally occurring secondary metabolites from tropical medicinal plants, yielded outstanding results, which earned him the high academic distinction of Doctor of Sciences (D.Sc) from the Durham University in Great Britain.
- Proclaim the Gospel in 250 universities in the world in the power of the Holy Spirit.
- Win one million University students and staff to Christ, who are discipled to Jesus Christ.
- Use the alibi of scientific research to open doors for the Gospel into many nations and to the high class in society and in the nations.
- Generate funds for the advancement of World Conquest for Christ and humanitarian projects to manifest God’s compassion for the underprivileged.
- Establish a Research Laboratory to collaborate with various universities and advance research in the domains of the Chemistry of Natural Plants.
- Establish a fellowship of Christian scientists committed to take the name of Jesus Christ to the forefront of science to the glory of God.