Training InstitutionsCentre for Agro-Pastoral Training & Production (CIFAP)CIFAP About The ASP Le département agro-pastoral de notre communauté (CMCI) représente l’un des maillons essentiels pour le développement de notre oeuvre. De ce fait il est nécessaire et important que toutes les personnes de bonne volonté de notre communauté qui... March 6, 2023Read more
Training InstitutionsAgro-sylvo Pastoral (ASP)L’un des maillons essentiels pour le développement de notre oeuvre. March 6, 2023Read more
Training InstitutionsThe Headquarters Church (HQC)WCL About The WCPFC The WCPFC came into existence in 1989 and has since then pursued the goal of ensuring the accomplishment of all that the Lord entrusted to Brother Zach and all that He promised to do through him for... March 6, 2023Read more
Training InstitutionsWorld Conquest Library (WCL)WCL About The WCPFC The WCPFC came into existence in 1989 and has since then pursued the goal of ensuring the accomplishment of all that the Lord entrusted to Brother Zach and all that He promised to do through him for... March 6, 2023Read more
Training InstitutionsZTF Music Academy (ZMA)L’un des maillons essentiels pour le développement de notre oeuvre. March 6, 2023Read more
Training InstitutionsOnline Bible Course (BCC)L’un des maillons essentiels pour le développement de notre oeuvre. March 6, 2023Read more
Training InstitutionsSchool of Knowing & Serving God (SKSG)SKSG SCHOOL OF KNOWING & SERVING GOD (SKSG) The military academy of CMFI Our Background Our Mission Our Background in 1975, a Christian movement was born in Cameroon headed by a young doctor (Ph.D.) of about 30 years old named... March 6, 2023Read more
Training InstitutionsWorld University of Prayer and Fasting (WUPF)WUPF WORLD UNIVERSITY OF PRAYER & FASTING (WUPF) An overflow of Z.T. Fomum’s ministry of prayer. Who we are Our Background Who we are? The World University of Prayer and Fasting (WUPF) is a Christian Institution which is the overflow... March 5, 2023Read more