0InstitutionsAbout WCSFThe World Conquest Science, is the department of our Ministry that is using science as a servant of World conquest for Christ Jesus. This definition has been given by Professor Zacharias Tanee Fomum himself to his scientific activities. Zacharias Tanee Fomum,... February 28, 2017Read more
0InstitutionsThe Mercy Works DepartmentLe Département des Œuvres de Miséricorde est le département de la CMCI responsable de l’ÉVANGÉLOPPEMENT, c.-à-d., d’apporter l’évangile du salut en s’accompagnant des œuvres sociales à caractère humanitaire Devise: Partenaires avec Dieu pour le bienêtre de l’homme Trois (03) sous-départements:... November 15, 2016Read more
0InstitutionsAgro-Pastoral DepartmentLe département agro-pastoral du Quartier Général de notre communauté (CMCI) représente l’un des maillons essentiels pour le développement de notre oeuvre. De ce fait il est nécessaire et important que toutes les personnes de bonne volonté de notre communauté qui... December 20, 2014Read more
0InstitutionsWorld Conquest Internet and AudiovisualThe vision of the world conquest for Christ through the Zacharias Tanee Fomum ministry that we see: THE ALL-CREATURE GOSPEL CRUSADE This is the gospel that you heard and that has been proclaimed to every creature under heaven, and of... October 25, 2014Read more
0InstitutionsWorld University Of Prayer and FastingThe World University of Prayer and Fasting is a Christian Institution that God gave Brother Zach to serve His interests through His people all over the world, no matter the Christian group to which they belong. It serves the people... January 23, 2014Read more
0InstitutionsSchool of Knowing and Serving GodThe School of Knowing and Serving God is a training department of Christian Missionary Fellowship International for coworkers, and particularly for national and international missionaries. The goal of the school is to produce one million competent ministers of the new... November 24, 2012Read more
0InstitutionsWorld Conquest SciencesThe World Conquest Science, is the department of our Ministry that is using science as a servant of World conquest for Christ Jesus. This definition has been given by Professor Zacharias Tanee Fomum himself to his scientific activities. Zacharias Tanee... November 5, 2010Read more
0InstitutionsWorld Conquest Prayer and Fasting CenterThe World Conquest Prayer and Fasting Centre is the Prayer Ministry of Christian Missionary Fellowship International. WCPFC came into existence in 1989 and has since then pursued the goal of ensuring the accomplishment of all that the Lord entrusted to Brother... November 5, 2010Read more